Characteristic Properties

Updated March 12, 2022 by luwol03, Shaquu and GogoVega

What is a Characteristic Property and how to use it.

What is that

A Service node is made up of one or more characteristics. The Characteristic Properties tell the to adapt its display to the chosen settings. It also allows you to define default values and usage limitations.

How to use it

Go to the section called Characteristic Properties of your HomeKit Service Node.

Characteristic Properties

To indicate that some Characteristic is used:

{ "Characteristic": true }

To indicate a default value for some characteristic (20 for example):

{ "Characteristic": {"defaultValue": 20 }}

Usage Limitation

To tell the some usage limitations on a characteristic:

Option Description
defaultValue Value by default
minValue Minimum value authorized
maxValue Maximum value authorized
minStep Minimum step (gap) authorized
validValues Value authorized [ ]


Below is an example list of characteristics.

Window covering with tilt option and default value

  "TargetHorizontalTiltAngle": {
    "defaultValue": 45,
    "minValue": 0,
    "maxValue": 90

On/off bulb (No optional characteristics: empty JSON object)


Dimmable bulb (Enable optional characteristic Brightness)

  "Brightness": true

Color changing bulb (Enable optional characteristics Brightness, Hue, Saturation)

  "Brightness": true,
  "Hue": true,
  "Saturation": true

Color Temperature bulb

It is also possible to define the range of the lightbulb if it has a light that can change temperature. You should watch out, that these values are in Reciprocal megakelvin so you have to ‘convert’ to this if your lamp is using Kelvin values (1000000 / Kelvin).

  "ColorTemperature": {
    "minValue": 150,
    "maxValue": 500

Dimmable bulb with 5% increments

  "Brightness": {
    "minStep": 5

Security system with no “night” mode

  "SecuritySystemCurrentState": {
    "validValues": [0, 1, 3, 4]
  "SecuritySystemTargetState": {
    "validValues": [0, 1, 3, 4]

Valve with only “irrigation” valve type (will show in as sprinkler)

  "ValveType": {
    "minValue": 1,
    "maxValue": 1

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