Wait For Setup

Updated March 12, 2022 by luwol03, Shaquu and GogoVega

Dynamic configuration of the Characteristic Properties of your Service Node.

What is that

Wait For Setup feature allows dynamic configuration of the Characteristic Properties of a Service Node before its initialization. In other words, it allows you to configure your Characteristic Properties with values from external sources.

How to use it

Go to your Service Node and check the option Wait for Setup then create a Message that will have the following structure:

  "nrchkb": {
    "setup": {
      "properties": "go here"

In the setup part you may specify properties to configure accessories, such as name, model, manufacturer, and other properties available on the HomeKit node.

To configure accessory characteristics setup should contain characteristicProperties string JSON representation for Characteristics Properties as seen in the HomeKit node properties page.

All properties passed in the setup part of the Setup Message will be merged with properties explicitly set in the node properties page, so you may specify only properties to override those on the properties page.

Also, the feature allows configuring the homekit node based on some external variables.


Here is an example of how to configure the HomeKit node to set accessory name based on ACCESSORY_NAME variable and ColorTemperature feature will be enabled in case FEATURE_COLOR_TEMPERATURE variable is true:

    "id": "3550fe6c.93d6a2",
    "type": "inject",
    "z": "93ad7680.969cb8",
    "name": "",
    "props": [
      { "p": "payload" },
        "p": "payload.nrchkb.setup.characteristicProperties",
        "v": "'{\t \"On\": true,\t \"Brightness\": true\t ' & ($env('FEATURE_COLOR_TEMPERATURE') ? ',\"ColorTemperature\": true' : '' ) & '\t}'",
        "vt": "jsonata"
    "repeat": "",
    "crontab": "",
    "once": true,
    "onceDelay": 0.1,
    "topic": "",
    "payload": "{\t \"nrchkb\": {\t \"setup\": {\t \"name\": $env(\"ACCESSORY_NAME\"),\t \"characteristicProperties\": \"{}\"\t }\t }\t}",
    "payloadType": "jsonata",
    "x": 660,
    "y": 440,
    "wires": [["d73d1565.8d9568", "a954f617.e7b868"]]

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